Free Classes
Scroll through our on demand pre recorded classes below, to get access to all our pre recorded on demand classes marked FREE, please click on a class marked free and follow the instructions to set up a FREE account, you will then get LIFE TIME access to ALL videos marked FREE
You can also get FREE LIVE CLASSES for 2 weeks
Goto our timetable page, click pricing, Choose the unlimited classes for £36 a month, you will get 2 weeks FREE UNLIMITED LIVE CLASSES when you chose this option… you will be asked for your card details but won’t be charged for two weeks, if you want to cancel after the 2 weeks then sign into your account and cancel anytime Upto before the end of the last day, if you would like to carry on doing unlimited classes then do nothing, if you would like join but on another payment option or PAYG then cancel and choose another payment option. You will always have access to on demand classes marked free even if you cancel your payment subscription.
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