Personal Training
All personal training takes place at home or work place or we can provide a venue at extra cost
1-1 and Personal Training Packages
6 weeks including nutritional advise £240
12 weeks
26 weeks
Post Natal - New Mum 1-1
With lots of confusing advise out there for new mums it can be hard to ensure you heal safely, eat well and get back your core muscles and back strength after any birth type without putting stress on the rest of your body.
All our 1-1 post natal instructors are female.
Business Man/Women 1-1
We understand how hard it is for you to find the time and stick to a plan, that’s why we work around you with no charges for cancellations and changing your appointments.
We can help you work around your lifestyle to get fitter for life and work without leaving you feeling dead on your feet and fit for nothing after a 1-1 session instead we focus on mind body health for relief stress and total mind body fitness
Weightloss 1-1
Focus on fat burning and body conditioning as well as posture and core stability
50+ and 60+ and Recovery 1-1
As we age we need to focus on balance flexibility mobility and our motor skills. This package is suitable for anyone wanting to improve their wellness in mid-later life
We also have specially trained seated instructors for those who may need to be seated throughout their sessions due to illness recovery or age
Golf Focus
Focusing on improving core stability flexible and mobility to help reduce injury and improve performance
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details or call 07793894396 for a confidential chat